Digital Novel Markup Language

Digital Novel Markup Language (DNML) is one of the first scripting language game engines for creating visual novels, also known as interactive fiction games. DNML was developed using by a Japanese programmer known by his or her Internet name, Karin. The programming structure is similar to HTML, which made it easy to produce . DNML was succeeded by software like KiriKiri, Nscripter and Ren'Py.
Programming structure
<plugin src="jpg" name="ifjpegv6.spi">
<plugin src="png" name="ifpng.spi">
font color="#ffffff" ; font color similar to HTML
<Background Src="G028.jpg"> ; displays background images
<BGM SRC="d-g88.mid" ;; plays midi files
<Sound src="end.wav"> ;; plays wav file
Outside Japan
In 1998, J met Karin by looking for resources for the English fan translation of Isaku. He is a co-founder of the group in the Philippines. He told Karin to introduce DNML outside Japan, and he translated the documentation into English. The project is on long-term hiatus.
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