Der Herr wird dich mit seiner Güte segnen

"Der Herr wird dich mit seiner Güte segnen" (The Lord will bless you with his goodness) is a Christian poem by Helmut Schlegel. It became a hymn of the genre Neues Geistliches Lied with a 1998 melody by Thomas Gabriel, part of the German Catholic hymnal Gotteslob.
The text was written by the Franciscan Helmut Schlegel, in seven stanzas and a refrain, both of four lines. It is based on the Priestly Blessing.<ref name="Alber" />
The text has been set to music by Thomas Gabriel 1998, and was included in the German common Catholic hymnal Gotteslob as GL 452.<ref name"Limburg" /><ref name"Evangelium" /> With a different melody by Winfried Heurich, it is part of the Gotteslobs regional section for the Diocese of Limburg as GL 849.<ref name="Limburg" />
On 3 October 1998 the hymn premiered for the Thanksgiving Service for the 25th Anniversary of the Office for Church Music of the Archdiocese of Freiburg in Freiburg Minster.<ref name="Meinrad" />
In the Gotteslob, it is one of the pieces that is demanding both textually and musically.<ref name="Meinrad" />
The hymn does not contain any larger interval jumps besides a few fourths and the melody shows an increase in tension in the verses.<ref name="Limburg" />
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