Deputy Commissioner Peshawar

Deputy Commissioner(DC) Peshawar is head of District Administration in Peshawar District,Pakistan. Deputy Commissioner executes diverse administrative and executive functions for the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Peshawar District. DC Peshawar is also the District Magistrate overseeing law and order and security of the district. Deputy Commissioner authorizes and regulates various activities and functions. The Deputy Commissioner is assist by Additional Deputy Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner
Peshawar has a geo-strategically important location and an enriched history. This city has seen the rise and fall of many civilizations. It was once the center of Gandhara civilization and has subsequently been ruled by Persians, Greeks, Buddhists, Kushans, Afghans, Mughals, Sikhs and the British. The original district of Peshawar was a district of the North-West Frontier Province of British India. At independence in 1947 the old Peshawar District became Peshawar Division, containing the current district of Peshawar. However, under the latest revision of Pakistan's administrative structure, promulgated in 2001, Peshawar was also given the status of a city district.
Present Setup
Currently Riaz Khan Mehsud is Deputy Commissioner of Peshawar. He took revolutionary steps after his appointment and is regarded as one of the best District Administrator city has ever seen. His ruthless anti-encroachment across the city is apluded by civilian. During his tenure more than 20,000 shopkeepers were fined on charges of over pricing including famous food outlets like Pizza Hut,KFC,Pearl Continental .
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