Democratic backsliding in India

The democratic backsliding in India is a contemporary social and political development in India, where the current National Democratic Alliance-ruled government is accused of suppressing democratic institutions and thus democratic values in the Republic of India.
It includes subversion of secularist values in the social fabric, discrimination against minorities especially Muslims, Majoritarianism coupled with Hindu nationalism, rebirth of regressive conservatism in mainstream politics, illiberally controlling mainstream media and popular culture. Democratic instituions such as judiciary, bureaucracy, police and Election Commission are said to be compromised.
Words like secularism, liberalism, Communist, anti-nationalist are increasingly being used interchangably in internet discourses as pejoratives undermining the freedom of speech, religion and political affiliation guaranteed under the Constitution of India.
Pejoratives like bhakt (devotee, here used as a pejorative), Godi media, 'divider-in-chief' have been coined in response to the phenomenon. Opponents have frequently termed the phenomenon as 'Fascist' due to increasing shift towards the right of the Overton window. Political opponents, media and dissenters have often compared prime minister Narendra Modi to Adolf Hitler.
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