Arabic media

Arabic media is derived from Arab culture and contains the media content, organizations, and journalists surrounding Arab culture and people, both historically and currently. Media content and organizations can include anything related to print media, broadcasting, news media, advertising, cinema, and more.
The term "Arab" refers to any individual who speaks Arabic as a first language and can be ethnically and religiously heterogeneous in its makeup. The Arab world, according to scholars, consists of 22 countries in the Middle East and Africa which belong to the Arab League, including Algeria, Bahrain, the Comoros Islands, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. As well, social media of Arabic origination has led to the continuation of political uprisings, like the Arab Spring, While initial internet penetration, which is the percentage of a country's population with access to the internet, The most used sites globally among Arabs are YouTube and , though Facebook and Twitter are not far behind.
Media values
The majority of modern Arabic media organizations have reflected Western journalistic principles, like objectivity, transparency, and fairness. These journalistic standards, outlined in the Code of Ethics of Journalists
However, some Arabic organizations and journalists have rejected these ideals in order to reflect the political sphere of the Arab world. In response, many Arabic media organizations have been created in response to this government and state regulation and lack of free press protection.
In particular, according to Abdulla, the internet and Web 2.0 have been cited as interesting mediums for expression of for "nongovernmental and nonofficial civic groups, turn the Arab community into a more liberal and development-oriented community". The protests were in response to mass citizen dissatisfaction of authoritative governments, as well as the lack of freedom of the press, information, and democratic values. While there is evidence that social media was not a causal mechanism of the uprising, it served a purpose in communicating what was happening to the rest of the world. Emphasis is often placed on terrorist connections, women's rights, violence, and lack of alcohol use.<ref name":2" /> While Arabic culture in these media systems is signified by its influence by the religion of Islam, there is often miscommunication about what the religion entails and what Arabic culture means on a global scale.<ref name":2" />
In response, diasporic communities of Arabs globally often use Arabic mass media organizations, like Al Jazeera, as well as the contribution of local Arabic alternative media sources, to retain their cultural news.<ref name=":2" />
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