Delta numerals

In mathematics, a delta numeral is a numeral expressed in the delta numeral system, which represents differences of the exponents of the adjacent distinct powers of 2 in the binary representation of n concatenated as decimal digits. It was invented by Armands Strazds as a derivation from the system of rational numerals. The preferable data type of the delta numeral is an array, since multi-digit items are possible. The individual item of a delta array is referred to as component.
To convert the binary number 1100100010 (decimal 802) into delta numeral:
* 1100100010 → =
To convert the delta numeral into binary number:
* → = 1100100010
Delta numerals induction:
# The leading L<sub>n</sub>, n = 2.. emits a unit into the "monolith" (1-run) I<sub>m</sub>, m = 0, ..., (Fig. upward arrow): L<sub>n</sub>I<sub>m</sub> → L<sub>n-1</sub>I<sub>m+1</sub>
# The "mass" of the monolith is converted into "energy" (Fig. downward arrow): → L<sub>n-1</sub>Y<sub>m+1</sub>
In Fig. monolith of n > 1 is marked by the stretched circle.
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