Deepak Kalra is an Indian Actor from New Delhi. Deepak started his career as a junior artist in 2010 and then moved to Mumbai in 2011 to try his luck in the industry. Within few months he signed on few successful ad campaigns like Pepsi amongst others. Deepak made his debut with Pulkit Samrat, Bitto Boss and then Yara Silly Silly. His upcoming film Sunshine Music Tours and Travels is due to release this year where he will be seen playing an EDM bloggers character - Karan. Deepak Kalra was suddenly a media hit with Shah Rukh Khan starer Fan. SRK himself gave statements that his FAN character Gaurav in the film was inspired by Deepak Kalra. Deepak is also associated with #Fame. Filmography *Bittoo Boss *Yara Silly Silly *Fan *Sunshine Music Tours & Travels *Dongari Ka Raja *Rockstar *Ranchi Diaries *Wajah Tum Ho *Nawabzaade *Banned *Ragini MMS Returns (web series) *Jai Mummy Di