Deep C

Deep C is the C two octaves below Middle C, and is also named C2. It is two ledger lines below the bass clef and is the depth opposite of Soprano C or C6, two ledger notes above the treble clef. Few men are capable of such depth, although the thickest basses can reach Bb1; R&B singer Barry White was able to drop down to G#1, and Adam Lopez can reach A#1.

It is rare for choral music to include notes this low, though a few pieces go even lower (notably Rachmaninoff's Vespers and Gustav Mahler's Symphony #2). However, Russian choral music has been known to feature basses who can sing an octave lower than this. Yuri Wichniakov sings a G1 in "Do Not Reject Me In My Old Age". The timbre of the Russian Basso Profondo resembles that of the low notes of an organ.
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