Death of Sandra L. Piovesan

The Death of Sandra L. Piovesan was a fatal domestic animal attack involving nine wolf-dog hybrids which turned on their owner, 50-year-old Sandra Piovesan on July 17, 2006, in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Prior events
Piovesan apparently began keeping hybrid wolves 10 years prior to her death. Brian Gallagher, a longtime friend of hers, stated that she kept the wolves as part of her Native American heritage. According to rumour, she had been selling or placing puppies without calling them wolves, and that she failed to vaccinate them for rabies. A year prior to her death, the hybrids began exhibiting signs of intense stress, and killed one of the older pack members. An autopsy performed by Dr. Cyril Wecht quelled speculation that Piovesan might have fallen ill after entering the pen to feed the animals and was then attacked. Wecht concluded that Piovesan died from multiple soft tissue injuries, particularly around the scalp and legs. Wecht stated that the wolves seemed to have stopped their attack minutes before Piovesan died.
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