Dear Santa (2005 film)

Dear Santa is a 2005 American Christmas reality show special that aired on December 9, 2005 on the Fox network. Directed by Jim Hunziker, the special was hosted by Jim Belushi and featured celebrities such as Clay Aiken, Hilary Duff, Raven Symoné, and Tony Hawk.
A CD was produced along with the special, with the proceeds going to charity. Singers featured on the CD included Alicia Keys, Nick Lachey, and Vonzell Solomon.
Six children were chosen from the Operation Santa initiative run by the United States Postal Service to have their wishes granted. Celebrities were brought in to assist with this task.
* Clay Aiken as himself
* Hilary Duff as herself
* Tony Hawk as himself
* Al Hodek as Santa Claus
* Tom Kane as Santa Narration
* Raven-Symoné as herself
* Brenda Song as herself
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