De ludo tactione

To touch is game custom infancy. boy ubicumque upon orbe earth game tactionem.

Rule and descriptio

prositium cave not to touch a iusore. One luor is 'id' sorte. the remaining lusores currunt far counting from lusore quae is 'id'. luro quae is 'id' game other lusores quae, if you wish tangitur, fit novel 'id', novel 'id' currit tangitur other iusore. lusore quae is 'id' sepe little how the remaining lusores is victor. game neighboring when lusores to set up.


lusores are: Marcus, Iulia, Augustus, Mother and But come now
Marcus sorte is 'id'. game began. Marcus bolt eye set of ten momenta. Lusores currunt. set of ten momenta to lay. Marcus currit and trial to touch the rest. Augustus is nearest but currit rapidly. now Marcus currit enough rapidly and to touch Augustum. Now Augustus trial to touch Marcum and is nearest. Ehue! Marcus is 'id' itreum. wretched is Marcus but tangebit other lussore soon. Marcus inclining toward Iuliam very arena. Marcus currit and pene to touch Iliam. Among Augustus, Mother and But come now instantly and spectant hunting. To be unwilling vim deperdere. Iulia cadit. How unfruitful! At length Iuliam to touch. Iulia is angry. Iulia vult conquer. Therefore to touch iusores necessary is. easily matellam is to touch. Mother currit rapidly but Iulia speed is how Matellam. Iulia Matellam to touch, but soon Gnaius to touch Augustus. Lusi l neighboring is. But come now is victor and at no time sense of feeling is.

Translation courtesy InterTran.
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