DC Fights Back

DC Fights Back is an all-volunteer HIV/AIDS advocacy group in Washington, D.C., formed on World AIDS Day, December 1, 2005.
Washington, DC's AIDS rate is the worst of any city in the country, nearly twice the rate in New York and more than four times the incidence in Detroit, and it has been climbing faster than that of many jurisdictions. 1 in 20 residents of Washington DC is living with HIV and 1 in 50 residents is living with AIDS. The HIV epidemic in Washington, DC is considered a "generalized epidemic" in that the disease has spread beyond so-called "high-risk" groups, injection drug users, commercial sex workers, and men who have sex with men. DC Fights Back grew out of numerous community groups and associations that formed in DC in response to a perceived lack of local government leadership on the issue of HIV.
DC Fights Back's early work was done by "bird-dogging" candidates forums during the 2006 Mayoral and City Council campaigns. Bird-dogging is the name given to the activist tactic of attending public appearances in order to win new policies from politicians. DC Fights Back gave all of the candidates the DC Appleseed Center's report entitled "Improving the District of Columbia's Response to a Public Health Crisis"
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