Day By Day Armageddon

Day by Day Armageddon is a zombie novel presented as a handwritten journal depicting one man's struggle for survival. The novel was written by J.L. Bourne and published in September 29, 2009. Trapped in the midst of global disaster, he must make decisions; choices that ultimately mean life, or the eternal curse to walk as one of them.
The Story begins on New Years where the Protagonist has made a new years resolution to keep the journal. The story moves on to the events of an outbreak in China in which the government sends its medical staff to deal with the outbreak. As days pass, the outbreak then spreads beyond its quarantine measure, causing the United States to be thrown into panic. Luckily, the protagonist has managed to barricade his home and not make a sound to attract the undead to his location.
Protaganist, John, Tara, Laura, Jan, William, Annabelle (dog)
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