Dawatul Islam

Dawatul Islam UK & Eire (Call of Islam) is a Muslim organisation based in London. The group was founded in 1978 from the Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan-originated UK Islamic Mission to cater to East Bengali Muslims in Britain after the founding of Bangladesh in 1971, and to counter secular nationalist Bangladeshi groups emerging in East London at that time. (Chris Hewer describes the group as "the umbrella organization for Jamaat-i Islami activities among Bangladeshis".) The group "took on the role" of managing the East London Mosque for a time, "especially after the opening of the mosque's new purpose-build" facility in 1985,
In 1990, the group Islamic Forum Europe broke off from Dawatul Islam, reportedly over Bangladeshi regional differences, and "divisions among the Mosque's trustees" led to those affiliated with Dawatul Islam leaving East London Mosque. Khadijah Elshayyal describes it (and other Jamaat-e-Islami groups in the UK) as "reformist" in religious/theological outlook, as opposed to the "radical" (e.g. Al-Muhajiroun) or "puritanical" (e.g. Tablighi Jamaat) orientation of other Islamic UK organizations.
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