David Ian Jolly

D.I Jolly (also known as David Ian Jolly)</big></br>
Is a Young South African author, living in Cape Town South Africa.
Grew up in Durban until the age of 16 when he moved to England to live with his father. At age 19 he moved with his best friend into a hostel in Edinburgh, Scotland where he lived for 10 months working as a janitor and a barman before moving to Sweden to work as a carpenter where he started writing ‘A Guy a Girl and a Voodoo Monkey Hand’. He was moving from there to a small town of approximately 500 people in the Western Cape of South Africa where he continued to work on the book, and struggling with living a stressed lifestyle, he quickly packed his bags and moved back to Durban where he lived with his brother and got a job working in a coffee shop. It was while working here that he finished the book, but didn’t do anything with it until 3 years later, after living in New York and once again in Edinburgh before moving back to Cape Town and finding himself once again unemployed. Jolly went through the story he had written three years earlier and revised the entire book to make it more accessible to the general public. From there he searched the internet for a publisher that would accept amateur submissions. Choosing to send it in to Raiding publishers, and two weeks after sending in his submission for publication he received an acceptance e-mail from them explaining that they would publish his work.
Published Work
A Guy, A Girl And A Voodoo Monkey Hand
<li>Pub. Date: August 2010</li>
<li>Publisher: Raider Publishing International</li>
<li>Format: Paperback, 260pp</li>
<li>ISBN-13: 9781616671334</li>
<li>ISBN: 1616671335</li></ul>
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