David Edgar (academic)

David Edgar is Professor of Strategy and Business Transformation, and a member of the Department of Management, at the Caledonian Business School, a part of Glasgow Caledonian University. He is one of three full professors in the department. He holds a PhD in Business. His main area of research interest is dynamic capabilities and company performance.
Edgar is a Fellow of the Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education and a member of other professional organizations. He sits on the editorial board of four journals.
Research Projects
2015-19 ERASMUS+ KA2 CBHE - Strengthening national research and innovation capacities in Vietnam (ENHANCE)
2015-18 ERASMUS+ KA2 CBHE - Latin American University Research and Doctoral Support (LAURDS). Lead/PI. Partners across EU and Panama/Colombia
2015-18 ERASMUS+ KA2 CBHE -TEACHEX (Teaching Excellence in Israel)
2012-14 INNOVATE - Social Innovation Network
2010-12 INTERREG IVA - Success through Succession
2008-12 ALFA - KT of innovation and Creativity in curriculum to S. America
Besides journal articles, Edgar has published several book chapters and refereed conference papers.
2010 Strategy and Information Systems Management: Priorities, Procedures and Policy (with Grant, K and Hackney, R) Thompson/Cengage (titled Strategic Information Systems Management in some places)
2014 “Innovation, Service Innovation and Measuring Technology Enabled Service Innovation - A Disjointed State between Theory and Practice” (with Grant, K; Tassos, A; Meyer, M; and Kuusisto, J) Lambert,
2014 “Innovation Support in Latin America and Europe” (with Anderson, M; Grant, K; Halcro, K; Devis, J.M.R; and Genskowsky, L.G) Gower,
2011 “Business Strategy an Introduction” (with Campbell, D; Stonehouse, G) Palgrave MacMillan,
Refereed journal articles
*2008 “A conceptual case based model supporting an SMEs strategic decision making” (with Wang, C.) ICFAI Journal of Business Strategy, V(4) pp 7-22
*2008 “Guest editor : Management, Valuation and Controlling of Intangibles” (with Britzelmeir, B) World Journal of Management and Economics, 2(3) pp 1-2
*2007 “A Study on Factors that Affect the Adoption of Internet Banking by Retail Customers in Hong Kong” (with Yui, G. and Grant, K.) International Journal of Information Management
*2018 "Business Models: Time to Evolve - An Eco-Critical Perspective” (with Biloslavo, R and Bagnoli, C) Journal of Cleaner Production 174 pp 746-762
*2018 "The Implementation of Saudisation in the Hotel Industry" (with Azhar, A and Duncan, P) Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism. 17(3) DOI: 10.1080/15332845.2017.1406271
*2018 " Clustering Tales from the Grek Construction Sector: Lessons from Experience” (with Yfanti, S and Sakkas, N) International Journal Engineering Research & Technology & Management Investigations, 2(1) pp1-23
*2017 "Building Sustainability on Deep Values through Mindfulness Nurturing” (with Bernal, E, Burnes, B,) Ecological Economics, 146 pp 645-657
*2017 "The Development of Service provider’s BPO-IT framework" (with Ikerionwu, C; and Gray, E) Business Process Management Journal 23(5) pp 897-917
*2017 “Factors Influencing People’s Intention to Adopt E-Banking: An Empirical Study of Consumers in Shandong Province, China” (with Sukumar,A; Tipi, L; and Xiao, Y), Asian Journal of Computer and Information Systems 5(3) pp26-43
*2017 "Big Data and Smart Cities: A Public Sector Organizational Learning Perspective" (with Okwechime E and Duncan, P) Information Systems and e-Business Management Online first DOI 10.1007/s10257-017-0344-0
*2017 "Delivering the Responsible Management Agenda -A framework for responsible mindful management " (with Bernal, E and Campayo, G) Frontiers in Management Research, 1(2) pp65-83
*2017 " Managerial communication competences for knowledge hybridization and innovations: A framework for effective knowledge transfer in MNE hotel operating in Athens, Greece” (with Abdo,S; and Combe, C) Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 4(5) pp207-222
*2017 " Innovation and Clustering: Lessons from the Construction sector and Critical Success Factors for adoption and implementation. Lost cause or lacuna?” (with Yfanti, S; Temple, B; and Sakkas, N) International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, 6(61) pp76-88
*2016 "DevOps: Introducing Agility and Flexibility to BPO-IT Organisations - Service Providers’ Perspective" (with Ikerionwu, C) Software Engineering, 4(5) pp65-74
*2016 "The Impact of the Saudization Policy on Recruitment and Retention: Lessons Learned. A Case Study of the Banking Sector in Saudi Arabia" (with Azhar, A and Duncan, P) Journal of Business, 1(5) pp1-14
*2015 “Knowledge and Organisational Success: Developing a Scale of Knowledge Framework” (with Almohammedali, M, and Duncan, P), World Academy of Science and Technology Knowledge and Innovation Engineering, 9(4), pp1302-1308.
*2015 “National Hockey League Guaranteed Contracts: A Principal Agent Problem Impacting on Performance” (with Londry, J, Grant, K, Harris, J), Management Research Review, 38(12), pp1306-1330.
*2015 “TQM in the Saudi Health Care System: A National Cultural Perspective” (with Abdulrahman H.A; Ogden, S; and Fryer, K), World Review of Business Research, 5(2), pp 120-136.
*2015 "International Infusion in Practice - from Cultural Awareness to Cultural Intelligence " (with Sutherland, A and Duncan, P) Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 3(3), online
*2014 "A Business process outsourcing service providers’ perception of performance and performance measurement " (with Ikerionwu, C; Foley, R; Gray, E) The Journal of Economics and Engineering, 5(2) pp5-10
*2014 "A Comparative Study of the Chinese and British GP Systems " (with Wang, C; Vaughan, J; Mao, Z; Chen, X; and Yang, T) The Journal of Business Strategy, 11(2) pp7-27
*2014 "A Multi-Phase Methodology for Investigating Localisation Policies within the GCC: The Hotel Industry in the KSA and the UAE" (with Azhar, A and Duncan, P) International Journal of Social, Management, Economics and Business Engineering, 8(2) pp3560-3564
*2014 "Research Supervision: an ‘agreed’ view of metaphors and conceptual model" (with Grant, K and Hackney,R) International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 9, pp 46-60
*2014 "Risky Business: Perceptions of E-Business Risk by UK SMEs" (with Sukumar, A; Grant, K and Meyer, M) International Journal of Information Management, 34(2) pp 99-122
*2013 " Capturing and Measuring Technology Based Service Innovation - A Gap between Theory and Practice " (with Grant, K, Alefantos, T, Meyer, M)) International Journal of Information Management, 33(5) pp 899-905
*2013 "An Empirical Comparative Investigation of Operations Management Programmes: Demand, Content and Entrance Criteria within the Context of Internationalization", (with Wang, C; Chen, W; Zhao, Y) International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology, 4(2) pp15-33
*2012 “Understanding Sustainability in Business through Relational Biological Ethics and the BMSBM” (with Bernal, E) International Journal of Management, 29(3) pp177-188
*2012 “Big TAM in Oman: exploring the promise of on-line banking, its adoption by customers and the challenges of banking in Oman” (with Riffai; Grant, K), International Journal of Information Management, 32(1) pp 239-250
*2011 “Human consciousness as a base for sustainability in socio-economic-ecological systems” (with Bernal, E) International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, 10(3) pp 229-245
*2011 “An investigation of e-business risk in UK SMEs” (with Sukunar, A; Grant, K), The World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 7(4) pp 380-401
*2011 “Dynamics of Industrial Consolidation: Mergers & Acquisitions in the Argentinean Electricity and Gas Sector” (with Petz, M; Temple, B; Maire, K-D), International Association for Energy Economics Energy Forum, Third Quarter, pp 35-37
*2011 “Pre and post crisis analysis of the industrial consolidation in the Utilities sector” (with Petz, M; Temple, B; Maire, K-D), Journal of Business and Economics, 2(2) pp 92-112
*2010 “Aligning IT/IS with Business Strategy Re-visited: a view from Complex Adaptive Systems” (with Grant, K; Hackney, R), International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance, 1(3) pp 1-18
*2010 “Islamic Hospitality in the UAE: Indigenization of Products and Human Capital” (with Stephenson, M; Russell, K), Journal of Islamic Marketing, 1(1) pp 9-24
*2010 “Informing UK Information Management Pedagogic Practice: the nature of contemporary Higher Education culture” (with Grant, K; Hackney, R), International Journal of Information Management, 30(2) pp 152-161
*2010 “Industriekonsolidierung: M&A - Aktivitaten im lateinamerikanischen Strom- und Gassektor”(with Petz, M; Maier, K-D; Zettl, M; Temple, B) Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, 59(12) pp 68-73
*2009 “E-Business, SMEs and Risk, towards a research agenda” (with Sukunar, A), International Journal of Management Innovation Systems 1(2) pp 1-19
*2009 “Assessing the Role of Knowledge Management in Adding Value: Moving Towards a Comprehensive Framework” (with Ibrahim, F; Reid, V), Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 8(4) pp 275-286
*2008 “A conceptual case based model supporting an SMEs strategic decision making” (with Wang, C ) ICFAI Journal of Business Strategy, V(4) pp 7-22
*2008 “Guest editor : Management, Valuation and Controlling of Intangibles” (with Britzelmeir, B) World Journal of Management and Economics, 2(3) pp 1-2
*2007 “A Study on Factors that Affect the Adoption of Internet Banking by Retail Customers in Hong Kong” (with Yui,G and Grant, K ) International Journal of Information Management, 27(5) pp 336-51
*2005 “Unbundling Business Information Management Research: the experiences of the Division of Business Information Management at Glasgow Caledonian University”, International Journal of Information Management, 25(3) pp 271-279
*2004 “The nature of IS as a discipline: Reflection on the past, making sense of today and predicting the future of information systems”, (with Grant, K; and Jordan M) International Journal of Information Management, 24(6) pp 449-456
*2003 “Using the theory of Policy Networks & Communities to explore who determines the Scottish Higher Education Research Policy : Issues for Educational Managers”, (with Grant, K)- International Journal of Educational Management, 17(6/7) pp 318-329.
*2003 “Managerial Academia: towards the harmonization of the Profession”, (with Grant, K and Hackney R) - Journal of Informatics Education and Research. 5(2) pp 1-15
*1998 “Yielding : Giants Vs Minnows, is there a difference ?”, Progress in Hospitality Research, Wiley, Vol 4 pp 255-265
*1997 "Capacity Management ; In the Short Break market", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 9(2/3) pp 50-59
*1996 "Hospitality Research : The emperor’s new clothes ?", (with Taylor S) International Journal of Hospitality Management 15(3) pp 211-227
*1996 "A matter of chaos : Some issues for hospitality businesses", (with Nisbet L) International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 8(2/3) pp 6-9
*1996 "Hospitality Industries : Strategies for the future", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 8(2/3)
*1995 "Shaken but not stirred", (with Frew A) Scottish Business Insider, 12(8)
*1995 "Managing complexity for competitive advantage - an I.T perspective”, (with Crichton E) International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 7(2/3) pp 12-19
*1994 "Strategic group clusters and strategic space : The case of the UK short break market", (with Litteljohn, D; Wanhill, S; and Allardyce, M) International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 6(5) pp 20-26
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