Dauntless Rogue

Dauntless Rogue is an open source computer role-playing game developed by Decapitationsoft that aims to be an action-oriented version of roguelike games. It uses the Irrlicht Engine to render graphics and IrrKlang to play sound and music.

The main character is an adventurer living in the sixteenth century. He or she decides to steal a treasure from a deep dungeon. The game ends when the treasure is successfully stolen or the main character dies. The game's dark fantasy atmosphere and historical anachronisms suggest that the game does not take place in the real world.

Dauntless Rogue combines first person shooter action elements with role-playing elements. The character starts off in the uppermost level of a dungeon and must progress to the bottom to obtain the treasure. The player may use close-range weapons, such as knives or swords, or may use magic spells to damage enemies. The player may obtain various items from treasure chests scattered throughout the dungeon. The game features permadeath, a staple of roguelikes. There is no multiplayer mode to the game.

Dauntless Rogue was met with mixed reactions when presented on various Internet message boards. Common complaints involved the game's clunky interface, the large number of bugs in early versions, and an unfinished feel.
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