
Datagogies are another form of multiliteracies. They are reflections on applications of multiplicities. Multiplicities are interactions between thought process guided by diverse methods or disciplines and affected by the complex nature of the situation that impacts learning.
Datagogies are practices that enable educators to enhance the development and application of incorporated into the use of technology.
The effective use of datagogies transforms the learning process as pedagogical communities become more common and educators facilitate the transferring of responsibilities for learning through their incorporation of collaboration. Datagogies are the foundation of communities of learners who transfer the power of learning to the participants who become empowered in the process.
This process of facilitating instruction requires the use of online learning communities that facilitate the development and refinement of skills and literacies that are impacted by the implementation of technology and Web 2.0 Tools. The effectiveness of the process is dependent upon the interaction of the disciplines, application of , and the use of strategies for enhancing higher order thinking skills that lead to the attainment of educational goals and objectives.
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