
Datability Software Systems developed software and also was a modem manufacturer.
The company later was simply known as Datability, and they expanded into other telecommunications areas. They were acquired by Penril Datacomm in 1993.
Datability was founded in 1977 as a software consulting company, especially in the area of databases. To speed up project development they built a program generator, which they marketed as Control 10/20 (targeted at users of Digital Equipment Corporation's DECsystem-10 and DECSYSTEM-20). After trying their hand at Time-sharing they built hardware to enhance bridging these computers to DEC<nowiki />'s VAX product line. In particular they focused on Digital<nowiki />'s LAT protocol, selling "boxes" that reimplemented the protocol, at a lower price than DEC's.<ref name=Datability.DigiNews89/>
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