Dark Walker is a 2003 direct-to-video horror film directed by Danny Draven. The film is most notable for the appearances of Prussian Blue (twin sisters Lynx and Lamb Gaede), a white nationalist separatist band and their mother, April Gaede, a writer of white separatist publication National Vanguard. Dark Walker was filmed at the existing Hobb's Grove in Sanger, California. In the film, a monstrous creature slaughters a group of trespassers one by one. Plot Cast * Kathleen Susan Taylor - Maggie Laughlin * Michael Sage - Josh Brighton * David DeWitt II - Robert Magee * Brenda Matthews - Nancy Magee * Rick Irvin - B.J. * Emily vanSonnenberg - Carrion * Jill Small - Stephanie * Clive Hawkins - Reef * Ali Taylor - Rhonda * Ivan Glenn Hill - Caretaker * Brad Potts - Sheriff Gillis * James Inch - Gus Wells * Jeff Meleski - Mark * Chuck Williams - Dark Walker * Lynx Vaughan Gaede * Lamb Lennon Gaede