Dandelion Books

Dandelion Books is a publisher of books. Some of the books are authored by writers who hold controversial views with regard to the 9/11 attacks and harmful actions by Israel and Zionists.
Among books published by Dandelion:
* Naeim Giladi's autobiographical account and historical analysis of Zionist misdeeds in Iraq, Palestine, and later Israel in his originally self-published book Ben Gurion's Scandal: How the Haganah and the Mossad Eliminated Jews.
In 2003, Dandelion Books published a second edition of Gilad's book. The book is marked with a banner that reads, "Banned in Israel and the United States". The press release accompanying the book reads, "Banned in Israel and the United States…Dandelion Books, rapidly becoming known for its 'uncensored books and unfettered fiction' has just released a revised edition of this highly controversial book. The details of a direct ban enacted by either the American or Israeli governments are not supplied by the author or publisher.
* America's Nightmare: The Presidency of George Bush II by Wayne Madsen with John Stanton (Dandelion Books, 2003) ISBN 1893302296. is a controversial Washington, D.C.-based investigative journalist, author and columnist who has been described by critics as a 9-11 Truther conspiracy theorist and conspiracy minded blogger
* Stranger Than Fiction: An Independent Investigation of the True Culprits Behind 9-11 by Dr. Albert D. Pastore (a pen name) . On Amazon.com, the books most frequently purchased with this book in 2010 were other books critical of Judaism and Israel such as "The Synagogue of Satan" and "The Jews And Their Lies" by Martin Luther and "The Life of an American Jew in Racist, Marxist Israel" by Jack Bernstein. The book largely blames zionists and Israel for 9/11, concluding that "after Twelve months of careful study, painstaking research, source verification leading to the only logical conclusion that the 9-11 attacks and numerous other foiled terror plots, were planned, orchestrated, financed, carried out, and covered up by the forces of international Zionism."
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