Dan Parkinson

Dan will arrive from Newcastle to live in Hotten near Emmerdale and will be involved in Mark & Natasha's business. He will become a good friend to the Wyldes and a love intrest for Katie Sugden.
Dating Katie
After weeks of wait Katie and Dan agree to go on a date. The date was sucsessfull and they start a relationship. Dan really likes Katie and Katie really likes Dan so it seems to be going perfect until Dan can't resist Val.
Affair with Val Lambert
Dan starts a job behind the bar as he becomes good friends with Val Lambert but Val wants to be more than friends. Val leaps onto Dan and they spend a night together. Dan says he regrets this and ends his friendship with Val. Val doesn't give up though and Dan falls for her saying He loves her. Dan is in a dilemma he loves two women, who will he choose?
Diane's Discovery
Diane discovers the affair and is horrified but Val pleas to keep it quite but saying it's true love.
Marrige to Katie Sugden and affair revealed
Dan decides to make a choice and chooses Katie and proposes to her. They get on with the wedding quickly and he says they can run away together. Dan wants to get away from Val because seeing her is killing him. He invites his uncle Brad to the wedding as he is a Vicar as well. The marrige goes ahead but after Diane reveals his affair with Val. Katie is devastated.
Dan is so upset and decides to run away. He gets in his car and drives away from Emmerdale but it's later revealed he died in a car crash. He wrote a letter to Katie and Val before his death saying he didn't want to hurt anyone. Val and Katie go to the hospital with Brad and they all cry out many tears.
Dan dies in early Semptember 2009
Val settles for Eric
Eric forgives Val seeing how she still loves him but the relationship has a long way to go before getting back to normal.
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