Dan Douglass

Dan Douglass is a political consultant and editor of Hawaii Liberty Chronicles. Douglass' commentary has been published most extensively on the Hawaii Reporter.

Dan Douglass and Daniel Brackins wrote "Economic Reality Check For Governor Lingle" in April 27, 2008 that has become a commentary series on Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle's economic policy. The article provoked a direct response from Lingle's Senior Communications Advisor, Lenny Klompus, in "Governor Lingle Has the Facts and Solutions on Hawaii's Economy". Douglass and Brackins immediately responded with a sequal. In an article signifying vindication for Douglass' and Brackins' prior articles, former Hawaii state Senator from Honokaa, John Carroll, released with them "Economic Reality Check for Governor Lingle, Part III" on September 19, 2008.

Douglass was heavily involved in the 2008 issue campaign to stop rail transit in Honolulu as a spokesman and campaign manager for "Stop Rail Now". Douglass brought a vested perspective to the rail debate as a vocal home-owner from the Salt Lake neighborhood. Douglass endorsed University of Hawaii engineering professor, Panos Prevedouros for Honolulu Mayor in the primary election and Council-member Ann Kobayashi in the general election.

Douglass supports a Hawaii Constitutional Convention.
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