Damon Joseph

Damon Joseph was arrested on December 7, 2018 in Holland, Ohio, he was charged with attempting to provide material support to ISIS and arrested a few days prior to Elizabeth Lecron.
Criminal history
Investigators began to correspond with Joseph in September 2018, posing as ISIS agents, after images of knives and firearms on his social media accounts drew concern. As one of his social media photos had been originally distributed by the media wing of ISIS. He allegedly told undercover agents that he was inspired by the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, and he admired the shooter,
On December 2, 2018 he sent details of his plan to an undercover agent, to carry out an attack on at least one Toledo synagogue, and added notes of what types of weapons and ammunition to gather, when to attack and how to escape or shoot out with police. His connection to ISIS was highlighted in a statement released by Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers, where he claimed Joseph's actions were allegedly inspired by ISIS's call to violence and hate and that Joseph planned the attack in the name of ISIS.
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