Dale Obert

Dale Obert (born November 14, 1970 in McMinneville, Oregon, USA) is an American cinematographer working in Los Angeles.
Obert began filmmaking in LA years ago under the tutelage of cinematographers Michael Grady and Jaime Reynoso, A.M.C.
His last ten features have taken him to six countries, which include shooting, "Runt" in Paris, London, Belgium and Jamaica. This project earned him a cinematography nod, "Technical Excellence" at Roxbury in Boston. The prestigious ADDY Award was also given t for PSA, "Don't Feed the Bears", directed by Emmy winner Lee Romaire.
Obert has also completed Beni Atoori's award winning feature, "Chasing Happiness" starring Cerina Vincent (Cabin Fever) and Elisa Donovan (Clueless).
His next feature is Lee Romaire's sci-fi thriller, "Let's Eat Lolly" filming in Mojave Desert and New Orleans. It stars Phil Jackson and Kashmira Shah (My Bollywood Bride), and set for release in 2011.
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