D.R. Fussell

Denis R (Reginald?) Fussell was shown as born on 18 July 1907 in Parkgate Cheshire. He was the only son of Henry Reginald Fussell, Headmaster and owner of Southey Hall Prep School, Great Bookham, Surrey. He had one sister, Joan who was a teacher at 'The Spinney School', Gt Bookham, Surrey. Denis attended Bradfield College and was admitted to Oxford University , Worcester College on 20 October 1926. He got his BA on the 16th of October 1930 and his MA on the 30th of July 1938.
Tennis was strong at Southey Hall as both Henry Fussell and Denis competed in the championships at Wimbledon, the former in 1903 and the latter in 1929.
When his father retired in 1940 Denis took over Headship and ownership of the school. Denis was then 33 and single in which state he remained to his death in 1977, in Southampton, aged 70.
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