
Cypulchre is a 2014 science fiction novel by Canadian writer Joseph MacKinnon. The novel tells the story of the defamed and exiled inventor of the Outland Corporation's noosphere VR technology. When he learns that the same technology that led to his downfall now threatens his family as well as the thousands synchronized to it, he joins forces with a team of hacktivists with whom he sets out to undo his criminal legacy.
After writing Faultline 49 under pen-name David Danson, MacKinnon determined to continue to explore themes of Western class-warfare, military occupation, post-individuality identity politics, and technological enslavement, in a near-future setting. Toronto-based micro-publisher Guy Faux Books published Cypulchre on July 14, 2014. In 2016, Guy Faux Books announced a Cypulchre sequel entitled Archetypal.
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