Cyprus Conflict Resolution Trainers Group

The Cyprus Conflict Resolution Trainers Group (CRTG) was founded in 1994 by 32 Cypriots (16 Greek Cypriots and 16 Turkish Cypriots).
Between the fall of 1994 and the summer of 1995, this group conducted structured dialogues using grounded on the science of Structured dialogic design aiming to facilitate peace-building efforts in Cyprus. Two separate groups (Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots) met on a weekly basis, both in separate community meetings and in bi-communal settings. They proposed a total of 241 possible projects designed to work toward an ideal vision for Cyprus, and they eventually selected 15 of these projects for implementation. They held the Cyprus Peace Bazaar to which they invited others who had expressed interest in joining them in peace building efforts. Because this group has introduced conflict resolution concepts to a few thousand Cypriots, it is credited for the formation of an embryonic peace movement.
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