
"The belief that all cultures are special and unique, and should be uninfluenced in domestic policies by other cultures."
Culturalism is an ideology that believe the mixture of different cultures are harmful for the population.
General standpoint:
Strong anti-immigration policies.
Strong assimilation programs for current minorities in the country.
It can be seen as the opposite of the ideas of multi-culturalism. Criticism of multiculturalism has long gone without a name or common banner, which it now finds in culturalism. Culturalists normally demand assimilation of foreign cultures living in their country. They do however accept different ethnic groups, if these share the nation's values on the same level as the majority ethnic group. However, they also believe that immigration must happen very slowly for this to be successful, especially in regards to refugees. The argument for this is that refugees normally have a mentality of "not wanting to be here", and therefor is harder to assimilate themselves, and their children.
Exambles of cases, typically used as arguments for culturalists, where different culture clashes would hurt the population, both the minority and the majority:
Black ghettos or Gypsies in France.
Muslims in Malmö, Sweden.
Black "homies" in the USA.
White citizens with westerns values in parts of Africa.
Both Christians and Sudany people in Egypt.
Christians in Saudi Arabia.
Capitalists in North-Korea.
Republicans in China/Tibet.
Palestinians in Israel.
Kosovo Albanians in Serbia.
Third world refugees generally in Europe.
Exambles in history where cultures have been destroyed/closed to vanished by foreign invaders:
Indians in America
Aboriginal ethnic groups in Australia.
Aztec people.
Jews in Israel.
Political spectrum, from left to right:
Pro multi-culturalism. (Give aid for foreign cultures to grow in a nation. Believe integration is the key. (Coexcistence of different cultures side by side.))
Culturalism. (Demand assimilation. Accept different ethnic groups if they share the nation's values.)
Fascism (Demand removal of different ethnic groups and cultures/religions.) or Racism. (Demand removal of different ethnic groups. Discriminate on ethnic patherns.)
There are very few nations today, outside Europe/USA, that do not share a close ethnical or cultural bond. Almost all of Africa, south of sahara is Black Africans. 99% of Japan is Japanese. 99% of China is Chinese. ... and so forth. In conclution, culturalism is, (in some form,) the dominating political ideology in most of the world.
Culturalist parties in different nations:
USA: The Tea Party
Sweden: Sverigedemokraterna
Finland: Perussuomalaiset
Norway: Demokratene for Norge
Denmark: Dansk Folkeparti
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