Cud Eastbound

Cud Eastbound is a Canadian singer-songwriter born on November 20, 1986, originally from Quebec, but now based out of Prince Edward Island, Canada. Cud plays guitar and banjo, and plays a bland of folk, punk, and pop.
Raised in and around Montreal, Cud started playing the guitar in his teens, and along with his childhood friends in Chateauguay, QC formed the punk band When I Fall . Some time later, their tight-knit group of friends started a punk house in Point-St.-Charles, Montreal (LBH) and changed their band name to "At Worst".
Simultaneously, Cud was also writing his own, solo music under the name "Start Today". More pop and folk oriented acoustic punk, he put out his first CD entitled "Cudey and the Disaster Squad" in 2006, while still living in Chateauguay, and recorded and released his second album "Space Tribe" shortly after in 2007 (Space Tribe also includes Cudey and the Disaster Squad as a hidden track).
It was around that time (fall of 2007) that Cud moved into the city, and set it in his mind to travel to Australia and hitch-hike around the continent for the winter. During that time, Cud played for many, and distributed 50 or so copies across the continent on his adventures.
In the spring of 2008 Cud recorded his third album, entitled "I'm Happy that You're Happy that", and hitch-hiked across the country that summer with his guitar, giving out copies of his music. In fall of the same year, the album was released on tape by Montreal label "Where's That Deerhead?"
Winter of 2008 found Cud 1200kms away, living on Prince Edward Island. That March, after having added banjo to his roster of instruments, Cud recorded and released his fourth album, a self-titled album under a new name, Cud Eastbound, and left shortly thereafter (June) for a long East Coast Tour of the States and Canada.
Currently working on a new album, Cud is also planning an extensive tour of the Southern and Coastal US, as well as all of Canada, in the works for spring of 2010.
Cud Eastbound s/t (2009)
I'm Happy that You're Happy that (CD and Tape) (2008) Space Tribe (2007)
Cudey and Disaster Squad (2006)

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