The Chief of Staff is second in command at CTU. If the Director of CTU is unfit for command, the Chief of Staff assumes the duties.
Day 1
Nina Myers
Nina Myers was Chief of Staff to Jack Bauer, Alberta Green, and George Mason. She was arrested for spying on CTU and treason.
Day 2
Tony Almeida
Tony Almeida takes over as Chief of Staff after Nina Myers is arrested.
Michelle Dessler
Michelle Dessler takes over for Tony after he is promoted to Director.
Day 3
Michelle Dessler
Michelle, now married to her boss, Tony Almeida, is still the Chief of Staff at CTU. After her husband is arrested, she goes to work at Division.
Day 4
Curtis Manning
Curtis Manning is Chief of Staff after Michelle is hired to work at Division. However, when Ronnie Lobell, the Director of Field Ops at CTU is shot, Erin Driscoll places him at Lobell's position.
Day 6
Nadia Yassir
Nadia Yassir was the Chief of Staff under Bill Buchanan until Buchanan is fired, and she temporarily takes his place.