Crystalien Conflict

CrystAlien Conflict is a strategy game that involves the use of units and buildings to survive. It is based on the Lego Mars Mission theme. It is somewhat similar to the Rock Raiders Game.

This section covers the units available in CrystAlien Conflict.

Astronaut Units
*Crystal Miners are moderately fast moving vehicles that collect energy crystals for money.

*Infantry are slow moving assult units .

*Engineers are the slowest units on the battle field, but they can repair damaged buildings and units.

*Jet-pack Explores are the third fastest units on the battle field. They carry a slow firing laser weapon. They can fly over hills and crystal pools.

*Trikes are fast moving week scout vehicles. They carry the same weapon as the infantry but it fires at a faster rate.

*Claw-Tanks move about as fast as the Crystal Miners. They have a large laser cannon.Vechile matches

*Astro Fighters are fast, short range ships. The weapon fires a rapid sucsession of lasers at enemy units. They must refuel back at the radar station soon after they reach their target. Also, if the Radar Station is destroyed the Astro Fighters will be destroyed.

*Recon Dropships are slow moving flying craft that can carry Infantry, Engineers, and Jet-Pack Explorers. The are not armed.

Alien Units
*Crystal Extractors are slow moving craft that mine energy crystals for money.

*Drones are weak slow moving units that carry a semi-powerful weapon.

*Infiltrators are the slowest unit in the battle field, but they can repair damaged units and buildings. They also can take over enemy buildings.

*Vipers are the semi fast flying craft that carry a slow firing gun. They can fly over crystal pools and hills.

*Speeders are fast moving machines that have a cannon like the Drones, except that it is faster firing.

*Dragon Cruisers are moderately fast moving vehicles. They carry a powerful cannon.

*Strike Fightersare fast speeders. They will be destroyed it the Sonar Station is distroyed.

*Hyper Carriers are slow moving, unarmed, heavy transports designed to carry Drones, Infaltrators, and Vipers.

Both Sides
*EM:4T2 Pulse Beam is an extremely destructive one use weapon. A beam of energy comes from the sky destroying nearly every thing in its blast radius. It must be repurchased after every use.

This section covers the known buildings in CrystAlien Conflict. The farther the building is put in means that it must have the buildings above it in order to be built.

Astronaut Buildings
*Eagle Command Base this building can not be removed from the battle field. If it is destroyed the Astronauts lose.
**Power Plant this building is the second one you can build it generates power so that other buildings stay operational.
***Training Camp is a building that is available after a Power Plant is built. It allows you to train Infantry and Engineers.
****Defense Station is a building designed to defend your mission. When aliens come nearby it will blast them with its laser cannon.
****Vehicle Factory is a building that can produce Trikes and, if a Radar Station is built, Claw-Tanks.
****Radar Station is a building that shows the terrain that you have uncovered so far in a map. It also allows you to build Astro Fighters.
*****Technology Center is a building that allows you to build Jet-Pack Explorers and Recon Dropships.
******Satelite Up-link is a building which will show you the entire map, but if its destroyed the map will return to the terrain that you have discovered. They unlock the EM:4T2 Pulse Beams.

Alien Buildings
*Mothership is the building that can't be removed from the battle field. If it is destroyed the aliens lose.
**Energy Generator is a building that produces power for other buildings such as Assault Turrets.
***Breeding Pit is a building that can make Drones and Infaltrators.
****Assault Turret is a building that will attack any unit that comes near it.
****Battle Foundry is a building that can produce Speeders and, with the presence of a Sonar Station, Dragon Cruisers.
****Sonar Station is a building that shows you all your revealed terrain. It can also produce Strike Fighters.
*****Experiment Lab allows for the construction of Vipers and Hyper Carriers.
******Orbital Uplink this building functions the same way as the Astronaut's Satelite Up-link. It unlocks the EM:4T2 Pulse Beam.

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