Crown of the Gods

Crown of the Gods is a free-to-play, Free-to-Win browser-based massively multiplayer real-time strategy (MMO RTS) video game made by Gaming Addict Studios, that will be going into Open Beta on January 23rd 2016. Crown of the Gods uses an in-game stat called Charisma, to ensure that it never becomes a "pay-to-win" game.<ref name=mpogd/>
The objective of Crown of the Gods is to build 8 level 10 temples, while defending yourself from your enemies, and keeping your enemies down! The victor is crowned Champion of the Gods.<ref name=cliq/>
Crown of the Gods had a successful Kickstarter campaign in December 2014. From its initial funding goal of $5,000, it raised over $20,000. It reached its $5,000 goal in 17 minutes.<ref namecliq/><ref nameigmg/><ref namemmos/> The money raised went towards the game’s artwork, as well as Alpha testing costs.<ref namekick/>
Gaming Addict Studios began development of Crown of the Gods in July 2014. Crown of the Gods went into Alpha testing in January 2015, and Closed Beta testing in June 2015.<ref name=dwgr/> It is due to go into Open Beta testing on January 23rd 2016.
Crown of the Gods is initially being developed for browser, but once the game is out of Beta testing, development will begin for the app version.
The Open Beta server(s) will be in English, however Gaming Addict Studios plans to open other language servers once the Open Beta is complete.
The game is set in a fictional land called Aschendal which is ruled by 8 gods, each vying for their own domination. The people of Aschendal, humble settlers who traveled from their destroyed land of Calabria, must do all they can to appease their new, proud gods, by building temples honoring them!
Players start with 1 city, where they generate 5 resources, wood, stone, iron, food, and gold. Players can enlist Senator units in their cities, which they then send to found more cities, building up an empire.<ref name=cliq/>
Players can build up to 100 buildings in their city, and up to 24 defensive fortifications. There are 25 different types of city buildings, and 10 different types of defensive fortifications. There are many different varieties of city buildings, such as resources buildings, resource processing buildings which increase the output of resource buildings, cabins to increase building construction speed, trade buildings, military production buildings, and barracks to house troops. There are 2 types of defensive fortifications, posts which increase the defensive abilities of different troop type, and barricades which repel a given number of a certain type of attacking troop.
Players can have 18 different troop types, of many different varieties including infantry, cavalry, mystic, sacred, artillery and navy. Troops are either offensive or defensive. Players can enlist different types of troops depending on what military production buildings they have built in their city. Troops are housed in the Barracks building, and so the more barracks a player has in their city, the more troops the city can hold.
Players can join alliances, which can contain up to 100 players each. Different alliances can become allies with each other, or declare war on each-other. Only players who are in alliances are able to build Temples, which are needed to ultimately win the Crown of the Gods.<ref name=mpogd/> Each alliance has its own alliance chat and in-game forums.
There are two types of trade buildings, the Forum (for land trade) and the Port (for sea trade). The higher the level of a player's trade buildings, the more trade units a player will have available in their city. Trade units can be sent either to a player's own cities, to other players cities, or can be used to put up trades in the in-game marketplace, which other players can then buy.
Temples are required to win the Crown of the Gods. Players cities become blessed by one of the eight gods of Aschendal through shrines on each continent. Once a city has become blessed, it can have temple-dedicated trades sent to it by the player’s alliance members; and when enough resources have been gathered, construction of a Temple building can begin. The more Temples an alliance has built honoring a certain god, the greater the alliance’s Loyalty to the god. A god will grant alliance members certain gameplay bonuses, the more Loyalty an alliance has to the god. Temples can be upgraded from levels 1 to 10. Eight level 10 Temples (one to each god) are required for an alliance to win the Crown of the Gods.<ref name=mmos/>
Players can send troops to attack NPC monsters which are scattered around the game map. There are 2 varieties of monsters, either boss monsters which can be found individually around the game map, or cavern monsters which are found in caverns. Attacking monsters will reward players with resources, wood, stone, iron, food and gold, and attacking and successfully defeating boss monsters will additionally reward players with up to 4 random items.
Player versus Player Combat
A player can build a Castle building in one of their cities, which opens that city up to be able to perform Player versus Player (PvP) attacks. There are 4 types of PvP attacks: scout, plunder, assault, and siege. Scouting and plundering can be performed on any city, but can only be performed from a city with a Castle. Scouting is performed with the scout unit, and gives the attacking player a report of the contents of the scouted city: its resources, buildings, fortifications and troops. Plundering can be performed with any units (with the exception of guards), and results in the attacking force taking some of the defending city’s resources home with them. Assaults and sieges can only be performed on cities which contain a Castle, by a city which also contains a Castle. Assaults take out large numbers of defending troops, but sacrifice a lot of attacking troops to do so. Sieges do not take out nearly as many defending troops, but can last for a long time, with one new siege report being generated every hour. It is using sieges, that a player can capture enemy cities using a senator unit, or destroy enemy cities using artillery units.
There are 36 continents on each World (server), which players can settle on, as they open. Each continent contains 8 ancient and inactive shrines. As a World progresses these shrines activate, and become dedicated to one particular god. Each continent also contains 4 inactive portals.
There are 4 portals on every continent. Most of the time, all 4 portals are inactive. Once every 6-10 days however, one of the four portals on each continent will activate for a 24-hour period. During this time, players can send their troops through the active portal on their continent, onto other continents through the other continents active portal, and attack enemy players there. Troops will then travel back through the portals, back to their home continent, in time for portals to deactivate again at the end of the 24-hour activity period.
There are 4 chat channels in-game; World chat, Alliance chat, Officer chat, and Whisper. World chat is viewed by all players in a World. If a player joins an alliance, the player will also have access to that alliance’s private Alliance chat. If a player is ranked as an officer or higher in their alliance, the player will also have access to the alliance’s Officer chat. Players can also whisper other individual players at any time, using the Whisper function.
Charisma & Items
There are many items available in game, that can provide a player with a small boost. These can be obtained either in the game shop, or from defeating boss monsters scattered around region map.<ref namenewr/> All items, regardless of how they were obtained, cost Charisma to use. Charisma is an in-game stat that a player cannot buy more of; it must regenerate slowly with time.<ref nameigmg/> Once a player’s Charisma is gone, they cannot use any more items, until enough Charisma has regenerated again.
Reducing Micromanagement
Councillors can be obtained either in the game shop, or or from defeating boss monsters scattered around region map. There are 4 Councillors, each one automating certain aspects of a player's empire in order to make the player's life easier, reducing the amount of empire micromanagement needed.<ref namecliq/><ref nameigmg/> These 4 Councillors are the Construction Councillor, Defense Councillor, War Councillor, and Trade Councillor.
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