Credence Hospital

Credence Hospital is a multi-specialty hospital located in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.
Credence Hospital, established in 2001, has grown into one of the largest centers for Assisted Reproduction and IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) in South India. Credence Hospital's commitment to providing quality medical care and achieving success rates on par with international standards has been central to its evolution over the years. What started as a pioneering center for Assisted Reproduction and IVF in South India has gradually transformed into South India’s first comprehensive multi-specialty hospital for women. The high-quality care provided by Credence Hospital has made it a regional and international destination for women’s healthcare, attracting not only patients from Kerala but also individuals from other states in India and abroad.
In January 2006, Credence made progress in providing comprehensive and specialized care for women by expanding and relaunching itself as a Superspecialty Women’s Health Institute and Research Center. This strategic move positioned Credence Hospital as a pioneer in South India, making it the first exclusive, multi-specialty hospital dedicated exclusively to women’s health in the region.
The concept of a hospital dedicated to women is unique in itself and a progressive step forward in healthcare delivery practice. Contrary to the popular perception that a women’s hospital can only provide maternity services, Credence Hospital offers comprehensive healthcare to women which includes; Internal Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology, General Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Orthopedics, Otorhinolaryngology (ENT - Ears, Nose, and Throat), Cardiology, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Ophthalmology, Physiotherapy, Pediatrics, Urology, and Radiology. The hospital also offers super-specialty departments in Neonatology, Genetics, Reproductive Medicine, Advanced Endoscopy, and Fetal Medicine. In addition, the hospital provides advanced services such as Intra-uterine Fetal Therapy, Cord-blood Banking, and Advanced Genetics. Before establishing these departments in Credence Hospital, these services were unavailable in Trivandrum.
Today, Credence Hospital is Trivandrum’s leading family hospital that is focused on the care of Women and Children.
* Obstetrics & Gynecology.
* Endometriosis Clinic.
* IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), Reproduction and Infertility.
* Laparoscopic Surgery and MIS (minimally invasive surgery).
* Orthopedics and Sports Medicine.
* Pediatrics and Neonatology.
* General Surgery.
* General Medicine.
* Dermatology.
* Cosmetic Surgery.
* Fetal Medicine.
* Pediatric Surgery.
* Cardiology.
* Anesthesiology.
* Urology & Andrology.
* Otorhinolaryngology (ENT - Ears, Nose, and Throat).
* Psychiatry & Behavioral Medicine.
* Chest & Respiratory Medicine.
* Diabetology.
* Radiodiagnosis.
* Surgical Gastroenterology
* Emergency Medicine and Casualty Services.
* Pediatric orthopedics.
* Dr. Santhamma Mathew, Chief of Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine
* Dr. Sreekumari R., Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology
* Dr. M.D. Jayalekshmy, Gynecologist
* Dr. Sunitha Ramachandran, Senior Obstetrician and Gynecologist
* Dr. Majitha Beevi R., Gynecologist
* Dr. Bindhu P. S., Gynecologist
* Dr. Shalima Serbin, Gynecologist
* Dr. Bimal John, Gynecological Laparoscopy, Endometriosis & IVF Specialist
* 24/7 Emergency and Trauma Care
* Pharmacy
* 24 Hour Ambulance Service
* Cashless Medi-Claim
* Ventilator
* ICU (Intensive Care Unit)

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