Creative inspiration

Creative inspiration is the feeling that happens to an inventor when he has been inspired. Creative inspiration results in the creation of something new. It is the impact of inspirational forces in us that enables the creation of a new innovation. Many inventors are able to describe an inspirational moment when they recall the moment when their inspiration occurred. Larry Page recalled a dream he had while at Stanford which led to the creation of the Google search engine during his . Bill Gates has stated that he dreamed of a day when every person could have their own computer. A dream, feeling, or a supernatural experience appear to be related to creative inspiration.
Creative inspiration is believed to be artistic, practical, and spiritual, in nature. Creative inspiration is the spiritual force by which creativity happens. This force is the seed for creative thought which can then manifest itself into a new invention. Wayne Dyer has stated that to be inspired is to be in spirit.
One's work environment determines the way you work and explore your imagination. Certain work places are more conducive to creative inspiration. There are a number of things you can do to improve the likelihood of creative inspiration to occur in a work environment. Several work spaces which tend to facilitate creative inspiration are shown here.
In the book "The adventure of self-discovery" it states that all forms of [ creative inspiration] (artistic, scientific, philosophical, and religious) are mediated by non ordinary states of consciousness. Several examples of creative inspiration are described in this book. The three ways in which creative inspiration is believed to occur are the following:
The first type of creative inspiration occurs when the individual has struggled for years with a problem, and the solution to the problem comes to the individual via a non ordinary state of consciousness. The chemist Friedrich August Kekule arrived at the final solution of the formula of benzene - the basis of organic chemistry - in a dream in which he saw the benzene ring. In these instances a non ordinary state of consciousness seemed to suspend the traditional ways of thinking, and allow a new creative synthesis to occur after a significant level of struggling for a solution to a problem.
The second type of creative inspiration occurs when the idea comes to the individual very suddenly. This is contrast to the first type as it happens in a much faster way. This moment happens long before the evidence to substantiate the new found insight is widely available in the world. An example of this type of creative inspiration would be concept of distribution of information throughout the universe which is found in Ancient theory.
The third instance happens when a detailed vision of the innovation comes to the individual in detail. This is believed to be what happened to Nikola Tesla when the electronic generator was invented as well as Albert Einstein on discovering the basic principles of his theory of relativity. Mozart claimed that he found his symphonies in their complete and final form before he ever even wrote them. Each of these examples describe a detailed vision of a creation before it ever actually existed in form.
In the book Handbook of creativity both scientific and artistic inspiration are described to occur as a creative inspiration in a similar way. In each case neither the scientist nor the artist believe that the novel ideas occur from a intellectual deduction, but rather via an incubation period in which the solution simply occurs to the individual. This is the stage of illumination or creative inspiration.
Kris (1952)(ref needed) proposed that creative inspiration involves a "regression" to a primary state of consciousness. This state of consciousness facilitates creative inspiration because primary cognition is associative in nature which facilitates the combination of new mental elements.
Emerson described creative inspiration as being based on the fusion of the human soul with the Divine. (ref needed)
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