Cradle to Grave (film)

Cradle to Grave is an American feature-length dramatized documentary which premiered in the US on 8 January 2017, on the National Geographic Channel, directed by James Tovell.
The 90-year-old narrator, Adam, reflects on his life from conception through boyhood, adolescence and beyond, revealing the events that shape him.
Along the way we meet the class bully, Adam's first love and the sergeant major preparing him and fellow recruits for Vietnam.
With the aid of stunning computer-generated visuals, we go under the skin to reveal how Adam's body responds to major life events, and his story is told in dramatic scenes from the 1950s to the present day.
* George R. Robertson - Adam (70-90)
* Dan Duran - Adam (50-70)
* Benjamin Sutherland - Adam (25-42)
* Alex Hansen - Adam (16-20)
* Ryan Jeans - Adam (7-8)
* Jacob Soley - Adam (4-5)
* Jill Frappier - Alice (70-90)
* Severn Thompson - Alice (42-70)
* Vanessa Smythe - Alice (25-42)
* Linzee Barclay - Marie (23-40)
* Jason Martorino - Bob (25-45)
* Chris WhiteFrancis - Zito (18-20)
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