
CowboyNeal is an internet phenomenon, or internet meme, in the circle of influence of self proclaimed nerds. In the past, nearly all Slashdot polls contained what is called a "CowboyNeal option," where one of the poll options is either "CowboyNeal" or some variant. For example, if the poll was "What kind of vehicle do you drive?", the CowboyNeal option may be "CowboyNeal", or "CowboyNeal drives my limo" or even "I ride CowboyNeal's handlebars."
The ubiquitous CowboyNeal option temporarily stopped appearing on May 1, 2003. It was brought back on May 16th 2003. Slashdot polls containing the cowboyneal option get 5.5 million users per month. As many as 35,000 unique votes in one day have been recorded for a single poll that contained 8 cowboyneal option answers.
Historical context
Jonathan "cowboyneal" Pater is an editor of Slashdot. His online nickname (handle) is CowboyNeal, a name inspired by a Grateful Dead tribute to Neal Cassady in their song, "That’s It for the Other One". He is best known as the target of the usual comic option on Slashdot's poll. He came to work for Slashdot as a programmer and systems administrator. Today, in addition to these titles, he's also a story editor - and a frequent Slashdot poll option.
* CowboyNeal appeared on's Funny Farm puzzle in squares (3,3) and (2,3) between answers 'slashdot' and 'cowboy'.
* A cartoon version of CowboyNeal appeared in the comic.
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