
Cotêr (also known as 'Coter' or 'Cotrê') ) is a language of the Romanic subfamily of languages spoken by an unknown number of people. Originally a computer netspeak language called "4 character redux", it evolved into a French-associated Romanic languages. It derives its name from the portmanteau of the Cotêrie verb "coder" and "ecoutir", which translates to "to type" and "to listen", respectively.
Cotêr belongs to the subclass of French-derived language, its basis sharing all characters of the language except for the characteristic umlauts (like in "Noël"). It follows the Subject-Verb-Object lineup as many of the Latin-based languages, and approximately all of its speakers are based in the US.
The Coter language
Cotêr was developed as a joint endevour between sfermi, ctardis, and ll on the virtual world Second Life. Over the course of over two years, the vocabulary expanded from a basic list of one hundred words to a dictionary spanning over a thousand, with more in progress.
Cotêr is an auxiliary language, a language meant for communication for even non-English speakers.
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