Corporate Vision Strategists

Corporate Vision Strategists is the vision consultancy and think tank founded in the 1990's and based in London. The organisation advises global governments and corporations on the importance of long term vision in strategic planning. The organisation advocates for greater stakeholder involvement at all levels to deliver more sustainable organisations and truly accountable governance. The organisation co-created its proprietary Corporate Vision framework with the global governance think-tank Gold Mercury International. Founded in 1961 to promote peace and international cooperation, Gold Mercury includes among its 'Visionary Leadership' laureates world leaders and CEO's including U.S. Presidents Reagan and Ford, President Anwar El Sadat of Egypt and more recently Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and Kerry Kennedy.

Identifying Europe's lack of Vision

One of the major initial projects undertaken by the think tank in 1991 was a study for the European Parliament on the perceptions by the citizens of Europe of the European Union and a single currency in preparation for the launch of the Euro and future enlargement . The study report presented to a European Parliament Committee indicated that the European Union (then called the European Community), and its 'abstract' institutions were distant from its citizens and the European ideals and values were unclear to people across Europe .

Initial Research on European Identity and values

To prove this sentiments about european unity, Corporate Vision Strategists launched its own initiative: Captain Euro, a superhero character research project to further test feelings and reactions towards EU identity, citizenship and closer unity. Captain Euro became an overnight sensation appearing on the cover of the Wall Street Journal and on global TV and news media . The band Simple Minds dedicated its ‘City Lights’ theme to Captain Euro. Although privately funded, the cartoon animation project became so successful that it was accused of EU propaganda by the UK Eurosceptics . It was the first time that a popular EU cartoon icon with an agenda of closer unity had been launched. The original Captain Euro website continues to gather data today and the website receives thousands of international visits and media requests . The think tank attributes the failure of the European Union in achieving popular approval for a European Constitution and the new Lisbon Treaty in the lack of a clear vision and role for a united Europe that citizens can understand and support.

* Corporate Vision Strategists
* Gold Mercury International - Official Site
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