Corporate Sector Authority

The Corporate Sector Authority is the government of a free enterprise fiefdom known as the Corporate Sector in the Star Wars galaxy that was formed in 490 BBY to free the Republic lawmakers and the Corporate moneymakers from their differences. It lay between the Aparo and Wyl sectors in the Outer Rim. Though the government is known to be violent, the anything-goes laissez-faire rules suggest that the Authority is radically libertarian or minarchist, albeit with imperialist patterns.

This region was chosen by the Republic for its "lack of native, sentient life". In actuality, many regions of the Corporate Sector were homes to sentient life. However, the entities backing the formation of the Corporate Sector had the survey records doctored in order to persuade the Republic that there were none.

During the height of Emperor Palpatine's rule of the galaxy, the Corporate Sector Authority comprised 30,000 star systems. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, the Corporate Sector isolated itself from the galaxy.

The worlds of the Corporate Sector include of , , Roonadan, , Kalla, Kail, Kir, Orron III, Reltooine and the Trianii colonies. The Corporate Sector Authority has been known to ravage entire ecosystems in its pursuit of profit.

The government of the Corporate Sector Authority is made up of several powerful corporations. These companies are managed by a Direx Board which is made up of 55 members (all of whom are high ranking business executives). The Direx Board is led by the ExO or the Executive Officer. Other posts include the Prex (President), Viceprex, Auditor-General and (during the Empire) the Imperial Advisor that represents the interests of the Galactic Empire.

The Security Division of the Corporate Sector Authority is responsible for law enforcement and the defence of the CSA's territories.

The security police of the CSA, colloquially known as 'Espos', have a reputation of being the oppressors of the people. They can be distinguished by their brown uniforms, combat armour and black helmets, and are typically armed with blaster rifles and riot guns.

The Security Division also maintains a fleet of outdated vessels to patrol their territory. They range from old s to Marauder Corvettes.

Sapient liberties
The Corporate Sector Authority has been known to violate the rights of sapient beings. The majority of its citizens are lowly workers. Citizenship is purchased and the citizens of the Corporate Sector are shareholders which gives them limited rights. Labor relationships are extremely poor and most people live in poor conditions. One of the most severe crimes in the Corporate Sector is to form a labor union.
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