Coomacka Island is a fictional island located in the Caribbean Sea. The Coomacka Island children's books series is written by Don P. Hooper and illustrated by Darnel Degand.
Setting The Coomacka Island series is based on a fictional Caribbean island. The main character Anansi Jr. is based on Afro-Caribbean folk-lore tales of Anansi the spider a trickster and a culture hero.
The characters attend Kukumacka High.
Supporting Characters Amani Ant - loves Julie Mangos. A push over who is easily tricked by Anansi Jr. Jamila Lizardly - athletic star, compassionate and thoughtful friend of Amani and Lenox Karima Ant - Amani's Little sister Lenox Lizard - athletic star SulubuScorpion - football player for the Stony Hill Scorpions
List of Books Coomacka Island: The Story of Spider & Ant Coomacka Island: Anansi Jr. and the Mango Truck Coomacka Island: Lenox Lizard and the Kukumacka Duppy