Conscious action theory

Conscious Action Theory (CAT) incorporates both and acknowledges the importance of the and their implications in understanding the world. CAT shows that the individual and the individual’s experiences influence how the individual perceives the world. In the theory posited by Wolfgang Baer, Conscious Action Theory shows a logical framework of how the conscious observer’s perceptions influence that person’s view of reality. Citing Eddington’s Fish Story, Baer informs the reader that even physics at its most basic level, is still informed by how the individual perceives the world around them.
Practical applications of Baer’s observer first approach are to recognize ‘Reality’ as a Wittgenstein use symbol, whose meaning is defined not by some external thing we see, but by its use in whatever system of beliefs conscious beings develop to understand and manipulate the sensations they experience. Baer argues that Theories of Reality do not attempt to discover the Nature of a fixed thing out there; instead, they limit the way we experience and explain our experiences and they evolve as our mental methodologies and tools evolve.
The fundamental dynamic principles of CAT are that conscious beings’ perceptions are the culminations of experiences/ actions in their lives. CAT attempts to promote the increase the amount of action that conscious beings experience in their lifetimes, while also keeping internal forces (limiting factors) to a minimum. CAT methodologies lead to a new economic theory of value in combining action with profit but also considering the value of profit in the creation of subjective stress and strain required to realize said profits.<ref name=":0" />
Further reading
* Baer W. (1972) “The Crystal Spectra of Pm in CaCl “ Phd Thesis in Physics , University of California Berkeley,
* Baer, Wolfgang (2006) Amazing Light-Visions for Discovery, Journal of Consciousness Studies,13, No.1-2,2006, pp.177-183
* Baer W. (2010a) “Introduction to the Physics of Consciousness”, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 17, No. 3-4, 2010, pp. 165-91
* Baer W. (2010b) “Theoretical Discussion for Quantum Computation in Biological Systems”, SPIE Defense & Security Symposium, 5 - 9 April 2010 in Orlando, Florida, USA. Quantum Information and Computation VIII, Paper #7702-31 Permalink:
* Baer W. (2011) "Cognitive Operations in the First-person Perspective. Part1:The 1st Person Laboratory", Quantum Biosystems. 3(2)26-44
* Baer W. (2012) "The Cognitive Force in the Hierarchy of the Quantum Brain", Toward  a Science of Consciousness Abstract, Tuscon April 9-12
* Baer, W., Mitterauer, B., (2013), Vorschlag zur näheren Anpassen der deutschen schriftlichen Sprache an die wissenschaftlichen Fortschritte des letzten Jahrhunderts
* Baer W.(2013)  "Chapter 4:  A Conceptual Framework to Embed Conscious Experience in Physical Processes" from The Unity of Mind, Brain and World: Current Perspectives on a Science of Consciousness, Cambridge University Press
* Baer W., (2014) “Chapter 1: The physical Foundation of Consciousness“ from Mind, Brain, and Cosmos, edited by Deepak Chopra, First Nook Edition: Nov 2013, available in Kindle Edition August 2014.
* Baer, W. (2014) “Force of Consciousness in Mass Charge Interactions” , Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, Vol 10, No 1 (2014), URL;
* Housel T. J., Baer W., Mun J., (2015) “A New Theory of Value: The New Invisible Hand of Altruism” from Intellectual Capital in Organizations, edited by Patricia Ordoñez de Pablos and Leif Edvinsson, Routledge ISBN 978-0-415-73782-1 Publisher link:
* Baer W., (2015) Photons as Observer Transitions in the Event Oriented World View, In Proceedings of SPIE Volume 9570, The Nature of Light What are Photons? VI Editors: C. Roychoudhuri, Al F. Kracklauer, H De Raedt,  10-13 Aug. 2015, San Diego CA
* Baer, W. (2015) "Independent verification of psychophysical interactions with a double-slit interference pattern", Physics Essays Volume 28: Pages 47-54.
* Baer W., (2015) Pan-psychic Consciousness in Mass-Charge Interactions, Interalia Magazine, May 2015,
* Baer W., (2015) On the Necessity of Including the Observer in Physical Theory, Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, vol. 11, no. 2, 2015: URL
* Baer W., (2016) Mass Charge Interactions for Visualizing the Quantum Field. In: “Unified Field Mechanics” Editors R. Amoroso, L. Kauffman, P. Rowlands, World Scientific (2016) pp 312-320, Proceedings of the IXth Vigier Conference, Morgan State University, 16-19 November 2014 Baltimore MD , USA
* Baer W., (2017) “ Does the Rose-tinted Glassed Effect in Contemporary Physics Prevent us from Explaining Consciousness?” Journal of Consciousness Studies Oll. 24, No 7-8 (2017)
* Baer W., (2017) "You are the Universe", Journal of Consciousness Studies, Vol. 24 No.3-4 March/April 2017, p223
* Baer W., (2018) “Introduction to Cognitive Action Theory”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1251 012008, URL :
* Baer W. (2020) Conscious Action Theory: an introduction to the event oriented world view, Routledge Press, ISBN: 978-1-138-66746-4 (hbk)
* Baer W. (2020) “The Grand Challenge For Science”, Interalia Magazine (July 2020)
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