ConQuest SAC

ConQuest SAC is a three day gaming convention run by Avalon Game Conventions since 2006. It is held each March in Rancho Cordova, California, a suburb of Sacramento.


* Board games
* Scott Hayes Memorial Warhammer Ancient Battles Tournament
* Monster Gaming
* Flea Markets & Silent Auction
* Historical and Sci/Fi Fantasy Miniatures
* Role-playing games, both classic and campaign


ConQuest SAC was founded by: Gabriel Vega, John Diesel, Roxanne Diesel, Kevin O'Hare, Paula Plunk, Ron Plunk, Shelley Rial, Michael Zbella, and Kevin Ellingson. In its three years, it has grown to about 500 attendees, making it the fourth largest show in Northern California, following KublaCon, ConQuest SF, and DunDraCon.

* ConQuest SAC 2008 at the Sacramento Marriott Rancho Cordova.
* ConQuest SAC 2007 at the Sacramento Marriott Rancho Cordova.
* ConQuest SAC 2006 at the Sacramento Red Lion Inn. Special guests included: Kenneth Hite, Keith Baker, James Ernest, and Mr. Lobo.
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