Connections-based learning

Connections-based learning (CBL) is a pedagogical approach to education that uses online and offline connections with students, experts, organizations, the community, and classrooms around the globe to teach and to learn. CBL emphasizes contacting and interacting with others inside and outside the class giving students a "real-world" experience. CBL was created by teacher Sean Robinson.
Contrast with other approaches
CBL approach differs from project-based learning as student activities do not have to revolve around a project. The student tasks must include some form of interaction or interaction attempt. Instead of asking where the information can be found or how it can be learned, the proponents ask: "Who can we engage as we learn?" The ensuing step is to then attempt to connect with that individual, expert or organization and build with them a connection that moves the students forward in their learning. The use of messaging apps and social media such as Google Hangouts, Skype chats, Twitter, and the use of digital portfolios, aims to open the door for student connection.
CBL differs from connected learning, which is a type of learning based on personal interest. Cultural anthropologist Mizuko Ito and colleagues (2013) stated: "Connected learning is realized when a young person pursues a personal interest or passion with the support of friends and caring adults, and is in turn able to link this learning and interest to academic achievement, career possibilities, or civic engagement."
Connections-based learning focuses on leveraging the various relationships within the educational structure. CBL purports that the teacher-student relationship is foundational to a student's education. which guide this way of seeing teaching and learning:
# Connection lens This is the who of CBL. The lens focuses the class on finding a learning partner with whom to work. These partners could include a person or group in the local community, an expert in a certain field, an organization that can be supported, or another classroom, either local or global, with whom to work.
# Collaboration lens This is the what of CBL. It includes a design of activities that emphasizes looking at local and global needs, building an empathetic desire to help, co-constructing learning goals with teacher and student, and making a plan of action. Students are given the opportunity to create a response to the interaction. They develop the skills needed to address what was found in the interaction. Students critically examine theirs' and others' possible solutions. Innovation is encouraged as students address the need. Those involved honor the connection and document their growth while the process is shared out to elicit feedback. Students use their growing network to further their learning. They respond to and reciprocate feedback.
# Cultivation lens This is the why of CBL. It includes making a "better you", a "better me", and a "better us". People connect for a "better you" making positive change in the world, a "better me" developing their citizenship and character, and a "better us" creating a positive relationship that promotes mutual understanding.
* Students building food hampers for local families in need
* Using social media to allow students to connect from different cities or countries to learn together and from each other
* Guided Twitter interaction between students for the purpose of learning about each other's situation, customs or country
* Using video conferencing apps like Skype to allow students to interact with an expert
In the article "Videoconferencing for Global Citizenship Education: Wise Practices for Social Studies Educators" in the Journal of Social Studies Education Research, Krutka and Carano (2016) examined the scholarly literature on videoconferencing in the classroom. They list organizations that provide opportunities for global classroom connections such as the digital Human Library which has "the aim of creating opportunities for connections-based learning by establishing partnerships with teachers and schools in other countries around the world." The examples they examined "make a strong case for why social studies educators should consider integrating videoconferencing into their classes and teachers and scholars alike should research videoconferencing for GCE ."
Willms, Friesen, and Milton (2009) carried out a study that supports the outcomes of CBL but does not mention CBL.
Teacher-librarian Jennifer Casa-Todd lauded the CBL approach in her book Social LEADia. Casa-Todd explained how she was drawn to the approach because it complements her core beliefs about the relationship between digital leadership and connecting students to real projects and people.
CBL was detailed on p. 31 in the Fall 2015 edition of Living Education eMagazine where it was explained that "Connections-based Learning makes it a priority to leverage interpersonal connection at each step of the learning process. Whether it is the teacher-student connection, the connection with members of the class, school, and community, or the connection with experts in the field of study, thought is given to maximizing these relationships." Positive teacher-student relationships have been noted to transform classes into supportive spaces that lead to more positive outcomes for students, both socially and academically.
The approach can be seen in various Canadian school districts such as the Coquitlam School District Avon Maitland District School Board and the digital Human Library. The approach has been talked about by organizations such as the Computer Using Educators of British Columbia and Calliope Global Education Initiatives where they state that CBL "leads to personal connection among global peers; furthering of such relationships builds teamwork and sense of providence so that students can affect wider audiences as well as change on an international level and in those global communities needing help."
In the HundrED article "Connections-Based Learning Should Be The Future Of Education", Josephine Lister stated, "Connections-based learning is one of the most useful tools a teacher has at their disposal, but many feel they don't have the time to utilize it—or don't realize that they could!" The approach is being used in Nigeria through the Schoolinka Linking Classrooms program, in Norway at the Nannestad High School, in Israel at Education Cities, in Cambodia at the Liger Leadership Academy, and Shanghai, China at Microcampus.
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