Community Cash

Community Cash is a deal website that allows its free members to collect members cash (Community Cash) that can be used on future purchases of featured discounted deals. With a focus on smaller, local merchants, civic groups, and communities, Community Cash was launched in November 2012.
The company's focus is to help local businesses succeed. Members sign up in their closest community for local deal notifications, and students are encouraged to sign up at their college or university for campus-oriented deals. Community Cash has a network of 2500 communities and campuses in the United States.
To help local businesses thrive, Community Cash offers free local advertising to a limited number of merchant partners in each community. Merchants may use online tools and customer rewards to promote their business.
The company, while in beta, currently offers Visa gift cards that are themed and branded for Community Cash's current Claim Gas For Life promotion. Participants receive a bonus for becoming a member and claiming the free gas for life contest entry. Through their member accounts, people can also refer friends through Facebook, Twitter, and email. Doing this will send a friend your referral link, and upon signing up, the original member will receive $10 in Community Cash for each successful friend referral.
The Claim Gas For Life promotion features fuel themed Visa gift cards which are posted as front page deals every few days in each community. Members who collect the most Community Cash will eventually win gas for a year, and then be entered into a drawing for the grand prize of gas for life. The company has frequent contest opportunities for participants to gain members cash.
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