Coming Full Circe

Coming full Circe is a comic book by Penny Scott that can be found at .
In this continuing of the myth of Circe, here Circe is a goddess in semi-retirement who wants some stability her life, but being a goddess of chaos and change means that’s never going to happen.

Long ago the gods ruled the earth. They had many names and were from many lands. They fed off the worship of mankind and grew in power and greatness. But times have changed.

Meet Circe, a goddess in semi-retirement. When not running her book store in Greenwich Village she spends her time listening to the prayers of her worshipers, avoiding ex-boyfriends from among the ranks of the surviving gods, and shopping on Ebay. New York City has for some time been a Mecca for the lost gods. Thor runs a gym, Loki a night club, Shango is an up and coming rapper and Athena a librarian.

Circe however has recently been attacked by a three godlings. After dispatching all but one she was told by the survivor that Loki was the one who sent them. Circe went after Loki and found that Shango, the African storm god and his family have also been attacked by three godlings. Before Circe could arrive Shango had defeated Thor and beheaded Loki, but the Trickster God had survived and announced he was not involved.

Loki was proven to be telling the truth when three godlings appeared in his club to attack him. Now the plot thickens, Circe seeks answers and has gone to Hermes for them, only Hermes may not be in the best physical condition.

MOD-MYTHOS is the first part of the Saga and is still introducing readers to the world of “Coming Full Circe”. The Comic itself is updated twice a week and extra comics explaining a bit about the world also appear.
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