Columbia/Barnard Hillel

Columbia/Barnard Hillel is the largest student activities group at Columbia University, serving the Jewish population at Columbia's graduate and undergraduate schools, Barnard College, and the Jewish Theological Seminary. The Hillel encompasses over 50 groups focused on religion, social life, education, culture, Israel, and social justice It is located at the Robert Kraft Center for Jewish Life, adjacent to the Columbia and Barnard campuses, in a building made out of Jerusalem stone.
During the Columbia University protests of 1968, the Hillel's predecessor organization was headed by Rabbi A. Bruce Goldman, who was dismissed by the organization's independent board of directors for participating in demonstrations at and takeovers of campus buildings. During the protests, Goldman was "battered to semi-consciousness" and had to be hospitalized.
The Kraft Center offers a variety of educational courses, including a daily Talmud class, currently taught by Itamar Rosensweig.
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