Associated Students of Arizona State University
Associated Students of Arizona State University (ASASU) is the student government at campus at Tempe, Arizona. It is commonly referred to by ASU students as the ASU Student Government.
Structure ASASU as it exists today was created in 2003, when the Student Government at the time adopted a new Constitution under the oversight of several individuals. The constitution originally split the student government into 3 branches:
#Undergraduate Student Government (Acronym USG. Established to serve the undergraduate students at ASU) #The Graduate & Professional Student Association (Acronym GPSA: Established to serve the graduate students at ASU) #Programming and Activities Board (Acronym PAB: Established to coordinate student events and activities on campus, no longer exists within the association - it is now an independent body)
All three branches are overseen by a Supreme Court, and communicate with each other through a coordinating board that consist of executive officers. The PAB was dissolved following a student referendum in late 2006. Its last ASASU executive officers were Neal Stephenson and Nicole "Nicci" Pannier, who were elected in a walkover (unopposed) election in 2006. Lauren Hengl and Nick Hammond are PAB's first executive officers under its new independent constitution.
The USG and GPSA both have an elected assembly within its structure, which consist of representatives from all colleges on campus, and provides a forum for students to voice concerns that are particular to a specific college on campus. The USG Senate is also known for its role as a springboard for various student leaders toward an eventual tenure in the USG executive offices.
Graduate and Professional Student Associaton (GPSA) The Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) is a part of the Associated Students of Arizona State University. They provide advocacy, support and unity for the graduate and professional student community at Arizona State University. Their executive branch meets regularly with President Crow, other members of administration, and the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) to make sure graduate student needs and concerns are addressed. The GPSA External Affairs office participates with the Arizona Students Association (ASA) to present issues of concern to the legislature and to influence public policy. The GPSA Internal Affairs office provides graduate and professional students opportunities for professional development and recognition through their conference travel grant, research grant and teaching excellence award programs.
Undergraduate Student Government Elections, Governments USG elections often receives the most attention from on-campus student media, and its history of election often parallels real life politics.
Since its inception in 2003, there have been 4 government elections, with each elections mirroring more closely to real life elections. Programming and Activities Board (PAB) The Programming and Activities Board (PAB) is no longer a branch of ASASU. The PAB is led by the Board of Directors, of which the President serves as Chairperson. Three graduate students and three undergraduate students serve on the Board, as well as the executive officers and ex-officio members as appointed by the President. The Executive Chief of Staff serves as Executive Director of the Board of Directors.
PAB directs all student programs and activities for the ASU student body, including concerts, movies, lectures, comedy shows, diversity programming, late night events, and campus tours. The President also chairs the Diversity Awareness Programming Board (DAPB) that consists of the Executive Director and members of ASU's student coalitions.
Since its inception in 2003, the Programming and Activities Board has been led by 4 executive administrations.