Coincidance (song)

“Coincidance” (sometimes stylised as Coincidance) is a novelty song, released by comedy duo James Manzello and Matt Pavich under the name Handsome Dancer, which has inspired occasions of participatory dance. Originally released in 2015 as a video on the Handsome Dancer YouTube Channel, it was later released as a single on streaming platforms in 2017. The song tells a light-hearted story, sung by James Manzello, about two men named Kiki and Choo Choo who both love to dance and decide to travel the world. On their travels, they meet by “Coincidance” on a station platform in Amsterdam. They go on to spread their love of dancing across the world, bringing world peace.
Background and composition
James Manzello, who sang the song, and Matt Pavich, had previously worked together on MTV2’s programme Joking Off, and came up for the idea of the song based off a pun which Manzello had thought of years before. Pavich suggested turning the pun into a comedy song, and the pair subsequently created the characters of Kiki and Choo Choo. The music video, which was filmed by Converge, a video production company, was shot over a single weekend. The song is in the key of G Major.
Internet popularity
Since 2020, the song and the accompanying dance has become popular on social media platforms, especially TikTok, with users of the platform doing increasingly absurd variations of the dance from the song, which involves shimmying the shoulders while having the head sideways facing the camera, to a snippet of the song (usually the line “Wow, you can really dance”). The music video for the song also went viral, with the original YouTube video uploaded in 2015 gathering more than 17 million views as of 2022.
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