Co-ed Revolutionary Anarchist Liberation Union

Koedukacyjna Unia Rewolucyjno-Wyzwoleńczo-Anarchistyczna ("co-ed revolutionary anarchist liberation union") is a radical Polish anarcho-feminist group, existing since 2000. It is one of the two anarcho-feminist organizations in Poland admitting male members.

According to its official website, the main aims of the group are:

* exposing and fighting against gender stereotypes,
* combating homophobia,
* sexual freedom,
* liberation from the slavery of everyday life.

The group is strongly anti-capitalist, anti-Catholic, and anti-hierarchical, and propagates a libertarian socialist society. It publishes its own bulletin, runs a shop in Warsaw, and organizes instruction camps (in Wiżajny and Krynki) and queer parties (aiming to abolish division both between sexes and between sexual orientations). It is also a member of Komitet STER, an organization fighting for abolition of restrictions on performing abortions. In 2001, together with the minister Ryszard Kalisz from SLD, it organized a campaign for widening the scope of sex education.

The acronym 'KURWA' is a play on words, fitting with the group's radical politics of feminism and sexual liberation. It means 'whore' in Polish slang (however, is far more vulgar than English 'fuck' which is usually translated into 'kurwa' in Poland).
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